Leonard Wibberley's Books

Leonard Wibberley's Books

We are the family of the late Leonard Wibberley, and we are currently in the process of getting Leonard's books available in ebook format. Leonard also wrote mysteries under the pen names Leonard Holton. Sign up for his newsletter at to receive columns written by Leonard Wibberley that were syndicated by newspapers nationally over his lifetime. You will also receive news of the upcoming releases of the ebook editions of his many novels.

Critic Is Really Talking about Self
Critic Is Really Talking about Self

Even though he was very successful and well-regarded, Leonard Wibberley (author of The Mouse That Roared) hated reading his own reviews and like most authors got his fair share of negative ones.

Here's a amusing column he wrote about the topic back in 1979.

Waiting for the Right Word to Swim into the Net
Waiting for the Right Word to Swim into the Net

A nice little piece on writing written by Leonard Wibberley in 1979:


Waiting for the Right Word to Swim into the Net

I will make the assumption, not entirely outrageous perhaps, that you have no great matter on your mind at the present moment and so have time for a word on the subject of writing.
This has been my profession for 40 years or more — and that in itself is a vast tribute to the tolerance and toughness of the reading public...
Waiting for the Right Word to Swim into the Net
Waiting for the Right Word to Swim into the Net

A nice little blog on writing written by Leonard Wibberley in 1979:


I will make the assumption, not entirely outrageous perhaps, that you have no great matter on your mind at the present moment and so have time for a word on the subject of writing.
This has been my profession for 40 years or more — and that in itself is a vst tribute to the tolerance and toughness of the reading public...

Usage Changes the Meaning of Words

by Leonard Wibberley

First published February 6, 1979


The story is told that Noah Webster was once discovered by his wife kissing a pretty maid in the kitchen.


“Why, Mr. Webster,” she exclaimed. “I’m surprised.”


“No, no, my dear,” he replied. “We are surprised. You are amazed.”




Check out the rest of Leonard's latest column here:



#words #language #humor

Proud to be Irish
Proud to be Irish
THE SAINT MAKER now FREE on KINDLE for a Limited Time
THE SAINT MAKER now FREE on KINDLE for a Limited Time

THE SAINT MAKER by Leonard Holton (pen name for Leonard Wibberley) is now FREE on KINDLE for a limited time.


When Father Bredder gets involved with murder--Heaven only knows what will happen next...

In the first book in the series, Father Bredder makes a most ungodly discovery--a woman's decapitated head has been left in a pew in the back of his church.

Named "A Red Badge Novel of Suspense" alongside Agatha Christie, Michael Innes, and Hugh Pentecost, The Father Bredder Mysteries, written by Leonard Wibberley under the pen name Leonard Holton, inspired a television show starring George Kennedy.

The Complete Series Coming to Kindle Soon

The Saint Maker
A Pact with Satan
Secret of the Doubting Saint
Deliver Us from Wolves
Flowers by Request
Out of the Depths
A Touch of Jonah
A Problem in Angels
The Mirror of Hell
The Devil to Play
A Corner of Paradise



Leonard wrote over 100 novels. That's 99 more than The Mouse that Roared. Click here to read a free sample.


Read a free sample of Flowers By Request #cozymystery #kindle 


The Mouse That Roared and the entire mouse series are now available on Kindle and new edition paperbacks. Read a free sample here.

Satan Wants Creative Malevolence
First published in 1979 by Leonard Wibberley
As you perhaps know, I am in the habit of holding conversations now and again with people of historical importance, whether I am acquainted with them or not.
The other day, having little to do, I summoned up His Satanic Majesty for a chat. Always courteous, he appeared immediately and offered me a low-tar cigarette with a huge filter on it.
“I have taken to carrying these around,” he said “for I do not like to hurry people out of their mortality. Once I have them the game is over – the love affair ends as it were. It would actually be better if you did not smoke at all, but then I have always known how difficult it is for you to resist temptation.”
“I hardly expected you and the Surgeon General to be on the same side of the fence,” I said. “And as for temptation, it is only the attractive ones that I have trouble resisting. Unattractive temptations I can put aside with impunity.”
“There are such temptations?” he asked.
“Of course there are – exercising, for instance, following a diet, taking prescribed medicines regularly. Acting sensibly. All these are unpleasant temptations with which I can readily cope. But what I wanted to do, my dear Lucifer, was to congratulate you on the tremendous progress you are making in capturing men’s souls. You are not, I trust, a feminist, and will understand that by ‘men’s’ I mean the souls of both men and women.”
“Give me a for instance,” he said.
“Well, there was the case of that 91-year-old woman in Texas, turned in by a grocery clerk for stealing a few dollars worth of food. Surely the legions of Hell held a torchlight parade in celebration of that victory over Christianity.”
“My dear foolish Leonard,” he replied. “What a disappointment you are to me. If you have any hope at all of winning your way into my domain, you are just going to have to do a lot more thinking than you seem capable of now. Sending a 91-year-old woman to the pokey for stealing food isn’t the kind of rich, high quality malevolence which wins Hell. It’s just following the rules. I will have absolutely nothing to do with people who just follow the rules, and if you are going to write up this interview please put it down plainly that Hell is not filled with Heaven’s unimaginative rejects. We require something more spirited than that.”
“But wasn’t it a piece of high quality evil to arrest a poor old lady for stealing food which she needed badly?” I asked.
“Of course not,” said Lucifer. "There was no intention to be deliciously heartless. I’ll admit it was a failure of Christianity and perhaps even Zen Buddism, and I did call Heaven (we have an emergency line, you know, for consultation over matters of mutual interest) and commiserate with them over the poor showing. I got the usual stuffy reply – there’s really not much sensitivity towards us up there.”
“What was the reply?” I asked.
“Oh, they’d only been 2,000 years at the job. Give them a million and I’d see the difference. And when reminded that they probably hadn’t got much more than 25 years left, they said that was my fault – the stuff about the serpent and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Have you any more for instances for me?”
“There was the man who kicked a child to death for interrupting a television program.”
“Please,” said Lucifer. “Please. Let’s not mix up pathological behavior with the creative malevolence which I demand from my followers. I simply will not fill Hell with the mentally unbalanced.”
“So I was quite wrong to offer you my congratulations on your success in enslaving the souls of men?” I asked.
Lucifer smiled. His smile is fascinating – it lies somewhere between that of the late Clark Gable and the gleam of a silver nameplate on a coffin.
“Creative malevolence,” he repeated. “That’s the key. Do turn on your television set every now and then and take a look at the quality of the programming. That’s what we hold our torchlight parades through the glowing canyons of coal for. Interrupted, as is only proper, by commercials for dog food, and items of feminine hygiene.”
Leonard wrote a series of murder mysteries about a priest-turned-amateur detective named Father Bredder who both solves crimes and saves souls under the pen name Leonard Holton. 
The series was made into a television show in the 70s starring George Kennedy called "Sarge."
The next book in the series, A Pact With Satan, is now available for the first time on Kindle. To read a free sample click here:
Father Joseph Bredder thought Mrs. Wentworth must be deranged. How could a sane woman expect him to believe that her dead husband was trying to burn her to death? Dr. Wentworth had died in a road accident when his car had crashed into a pylon and burst into flames. Now his widow heard his voice at night, threatening her with the same fate…
To hear about the upcoming releases of Leonard's many novels on Kindle, sign up for our newsletter at
The Original Wolf of Wall Street
The Original Wolf of Wall Street

The Mouse on Wall Street is now available on for the first time on Kindle.


#cozymystery #amateurdetective #christianbooks


Leonard’s father, Thomas Wibberley, didn’t know how to read when he met his future wife, Sinead O’Connor (no, not that Sinead O'Connor), who taught him how to read. He went on to become a professor who wrote two books. Then Leonard went on and wrote over 100 more. Thank you to teachers everywhere! #celebrateteachers


currently reading

Progress: 100%
A Pact With Satan (The Father Bredder Mysteries Book 2) - Leonard Holton
Flowers By Request - Leonard Holton
The Centurion: A Roman Soldier's Testament of the Passion of Christ - Leonard Wibberley
Beware Of The Mouse - Leonard Wibberley